Sunday, December 9, 2012

Why we are great dog owners and bad humans

Taking a break from the Lew Series today to bring you a bit of information about how our household works. 

My husband and I pride ourselves on taking great care of our animals, specifically our dogs who need more than our cats.  Exercise, bathing, food, all things a dog needs from us, like a toddler, although I hope that your toddler isn't obsessed with the trash can like my dog.  But here is the truth we are better dog owners than care takers of ourselves.

Example One: Food
Our Beagle Verne & our Beagle-Australian Shepard mix Argos eat a portion controlled, wheat free, corn free, soy free, poultry free diet from BLUE - Wilderness Salmon.  Argos had terrible allergies and after months of trying all kinds of treatments and food we found the one that works best..

Our diets are not "free" of anything and portion controlled they are definitely not.

Example Two: The Doctor
Argos went to the doctor last Sunday for a check up and boosters, Verne just a few weeks before that he went for his heart worm update. Our vet calls us and reminds us of the dogs appointments or to schedule an appointment for a needed shot, and we always go.  They are even on a wellness program with the vet.

Last time I went to the doctor in 12 months?  Once to see the eye doctor and only because I finally broke my glasses. Doctor visit 12 months before that?  Well I had a whole battery of test to years ago only to discover that I have PCOS.  So a treatment plan was decided and I was told to call back and make an appointment in six months for a follow up, which of course never happened.

My husband, hmmm last time he went to the doctor?  In the past two years he had one emergency room visit, which I am not at liberty to discuss, sorry.

Example Three: Medicine
Argos and Verne get Wild Salmon oil everyday on their food to help with their coat and skin.  This all started because of Argos's allergies but they really seem to like it.  Also Argos being six years old, takes a half a tablet twice a day for arthritis. Keeping up with the much younger Vern is hard on him.

My husband and I both have prescriptions that were never filled or never refilled.   In fact I bet we have some expired medicine.

Example Four: Exercise
Making sure that our dogs spend enough time outside and that they get their walks is extremely important to us.  Argos is currently on a weight loss plan to help with his arthritis. 

When do my husband and I exercise? In spurts of unsuccessful spirit. Well we ride our bike with enjoyment that could never been described (in my mind) as exercise, we do little to nothing else.

So what does all of this mean?  It means we love our dogs.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Llewellyn's Story: Part 2

The ham bone was such a memorable moment in Lew's life it is hard to believe that we do not have photos but alas we do not have photos.

After rescuing Lew from our neighbors she received all those new dog necessities.  Name, Bath, Collar, Tag, and trip to the vet.  The vet informed us that she was very malnourished and getting her some medicine and regular food would fix her up.

So what do you do when you find out you have a malnourished puppy?  Well my husband's solution was simple.

Step One: Buy a Ham
Step Two: Bake a Ham
Step Three: Eat the Ham
Step Four: Give Malnourished Puppy Ham Bone

While we already knew that she was not getting enough to eat it became instantly apparent that she had also never had a bone.  A dog, which the vet estimated to be over six month old and she had never had a bone?

Once Lew had the bone she entered some sort of trance and was not to be seen again until the bone was gone.  Friends visited to see the new family member but she couldn't be bothered. She stopped for water and to go to the bathroom.  She took naps while laying protectively on top of her bone.  While never aggressive about the bone, it was hers.

After that she was always Brandon's princess.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Llewellyn's Story: Part 1

Llewellyn was a puppy that my husband and I rescued about five years ago.  We had adopted Argos, our Australian Shepard/Beagle mix eight months before.  Though I previously had not been much of a dog person, or rather just wasn't interested in dog, Argos had throughly melted my cold heart just in time for Lew's arrival.

First our neighbors asked my husband if he and I would like another dog.  When he told me this I am sure I stood with my hands on my hips saying "no, no, no, no, no way."  But then one sleety winter Sunday in January 2007 I changed my mind.

I was sitting on the couch watching television with my husband and Argos enjoying what little time off I had from school when I saw Lew out our living room window.  Our neighbors had this tiny puppy tied to a fence with a noose and it was cold and sleeting.  The rope was not long enough and every time she tried to get out of the rain she ended up getting tangled on junk in their yard.

After an hour of sending my husband outside to untangle her every time she got tangled we both gave in to her.  Gathering up the cash we had gotten for Christmas my husband went next door and bought her for $100.

Once she was let loose in the house Lew and Argos became best friends.  Chasing each other and just general playing as puppies do.  The went out back and were playing in the fenced in yard,  a bath would later be required for both the muddy beast.

After that they were inseparable.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

School, Bicycles, & Junk

Available free time has gone into the negative, the house is filthy, the grass dead, and the electric bill has once again increased.  Thats' right, school has started.  Brandon is in the second week of his second college course, math, his favorite.  Well he hates math but he is being a sport about the whole thing. At least we got the spare bedroom turned into a two person office, or as it is sometimes known the Nerd Headquarters or Central Ops.  It is really just where we do homework(and play PC games).

We still need to hang some art or something.

I have one class down and eight more left.  Eight left as in ever!  Bachelors degree is so close I can almost taste it, it sort of taste like expensive parchment paper. 

Though we are swamped with birthdays, weddings, and our own anniversary we have still been finding time to ride.  Brandon "finished" Olive and then took her to get the final touches by a professional.  Riding Olive is completely different than June Bug, but I'm getting more comfortable with the differences.  And at 25 I think I am beginning to understand shifting.  Better late than never. 

This is June Bug, my Schwinn.

This is Olive, my Bridgestone X0-5 frame with pretty much new everything else.
Our couple rides around the neighborhood have taken a turn for the strange.  There is a duo of young boys who will suddenly appear and follow us when we take our bikes out.  I have no idea where they come from or how they know we are out.  They want to race and want us to watch them.  I'm not very comfortable around strangers kids so mostly we just stay away from the school, their favorite spot.  It does kind of suck because the school parking lot is a great place for me to practice getting comfortable with shifting.

Olive and the Unnamed

Mostly we have been busy with the regular old family stuff but I have made some time to do homework outside.  I like going to the conservation club with my husband and doing homework out there.  It is very beautiful.
It is very peaceful too, except for all the gun fire.

Work is busy, school is swamping us, it feels like every weekend until January has something but we still make time to do things just the two of us.  

Just us and dinner on the patio.

Counting down the classes until I'm done with school.  Counting down the weeks until I go to Florida in November.  Counting down the days until my wedding anniversary (09-08-07).  Counting down the hours until I can get on my bike again.  


Friday, July 1, 2011

Quest for Where?

For various reasons cost, distance, complexity, fears about steady careers the Mr. and I have been talking and we have a few other destinations in mind.  We have talked about the following:
  • Austin, TX
  • Portland, OR
  • Boulder, CO
  • Denver, CO
Where do we go, where do we go?

Well in other news, Brandon has decided to go to college, so our moving plans just got pushed back another 4 or 5 years.  Guess we will have plenty of time to ponder our options.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Four Trashcans, Three trips, Two Closets, and some Freedom

Well our amazon store is officially closed!  No more late night or early morning packaging.  No more runs to the post office!  Yay!

We are free from selling our stuff and from having too much stuff.  After having the amazon store open for about a year we were exhausted from books and dvds being stacked everywhere waiting for the email that tells us to ship.  The books and dvds went to Half price books and Disc replay, everything else went to Goodwill(or in the trash).

The office is now ready to become a two person office, school here we come.  Depending on if I can resist the urge to get a Masters in Accounting this next year will be my last one!


Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving!  And welcome to the first major family holiday since we made our announcement.  All in all the news was old enough not to cause any waves.  Though I admit that the absence of a few cynical family members help the situation.

I refuse to name names!

We had a good time visiting with family, and the holiday has become easier now that most kids are old enough to entertain themselves.  It was nice to eat some good food (even if they are foods I'm not supposed to have) and talk to fantastic people.  When we move it will be difficult to leave such good people behind, so they will just have to come and visit us!

Weird moment for the day: When a family member asked if they could come and visit us and my husband responded "SURE!" in a positive tone while making a face expressing some other less positive emotion. 


P.S. I'm thankful for my amazing husband and his family.